CEC'2015 (Sendai, Japan), May 2015

In May 2015, Dr. Carlos A. Coello Coello attended the 2015 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC'2015), which took place in Sendai, Japan with two of his PhD students (Adriana Menchaca Méndez and Luis Miguel Antonio). At this conference, Dr. Coello had the honor of acting as one of the plenary speakers.

Dr. Coello had a great time during his stay in Sendai, and had the opportunity to talk to several of his friends. He was taken to a VIP dinner, where he had a great time with several old friends and with Prof. Thomas Bäck and his wife.

During the conference, Dr. Coello received the IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation Outstanding Paper Award for 2012 (bestowed in 2015) together with his co-author and friend, Dr. Oliver Schütze.

Below, you can see some photos of Sendai and of the conference venue.

Foto #1

Gallery 1

Foto #2

Gallery 2

Foto #3

Gallery 3

Foto #4

Gallery 4