Meeting to prepare the Program of WCCI'2014 (Bozeman, Montana, USA), May 2014

In May, 2014, Dr. Carlos A. Coello Coello traveled to Bozeman, Montana, USA, to attend a meeting called by Prof. Derong Liu (General Chair of the 2014 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI'2014)). The goal of this meeting was to bring together to the Program Chairs of the three major conferences that conform WCCI'2014 (the IEEE Congress on Computational Intelligence, the IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and the IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks) to finalize the Scientific Program of WCCI'2014.

As you can see below, Bozeman is a beautiful town which is the home of Montana State University. This town is not too far from Yellowstone National Park which, unfortunately, Dr. Coello couldn't visit during this short (and busy) trip.

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