PhD Defense of Victoria Aragón (San Luis, Argentina),
August 2010

In August 2010, Dr. Carlos A. Coello Coello traveled to San Luis, Argentina, to attend the PhD defense of Victoria Soledad Aragón, who was his PhD student at the National University of San Luis.

As can be seen in the pictures shown below, that Winter was particularly cold, and there was even some snow in the streets of the city, which is relatively uncommon.

Below, there are some photos of the dinner held after the (successful) PhD defense of Victoria. In one of them, Dr. Coello is with the PhD committee. Finally, there are also a few pictures of Buenos Aires, where Dr. Coello spent a couple of days.

Foto #1 Foto #2 Foto #3 Foto #4

Foto #5 Foto #6 Foto #7 Foto #8

Foto #9 Foto #10 Foto #11 Foto #12

Foto #13 Foto #14 Foto #15 Foto #16

Foto #17 Foto #18 Foto #19 Foto #20

Foto #21