XI ELAVIO (Villa de Leyva, Colombia), July 2005

In July, 2005, Dr. Coello attended the XI ELAVIO (Latin American Summer Workshop on Operations Research), which was held in the beautiful city of Villa de Leyva, in Colombia. Dr. Coello was invited to teach a short course on multiobjective optimization using metaheuristics during this workshop. Needless to say, Dr. Coello had a great time in Colombia.

Villa de Leyva is a colonial city with a very rich history, which is located only 3 hours away from Bogotá. The attention at the hotel (from which some pictures can be seen below) was superb (the best that Dr. Coello had ever witnessed), and Dr. Andrés Medaglia was also an extraordinary host who was always trying to please to all the attendants of the event.

This trip will always bring fond memories to Dr. Coello who hopes that can be again in Colombia some other time in the near future.