SSCI'2007 (Honolulu, Hawaii, USA), April 2007

On April 2007, Dr. Carlos A. Coello Coello and Luis Vicente Santana Quintero, visited Honolulu, Hawaii, to attend the IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence 2007 (SSCI'2007). They participated in two symposia: the IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Multicriteria Decision Making (MCDM '07), and the 2007 IEEE Swarm Intelligence Symposium (SIS'2007).

This was Dr. Coello's second trip to Honolulu, but unlike his first visit, this time, he had a chance to see a few things in this beautiful island. He even found the time to take a couple of tours and do some shopping.

Below, you will see some pictures from the conference (including Luis during his two oral presentations), from the Aquarium, and from the two tours (one of the city and the beaches, and the other one of places where famous movies have been made). There is also a rare picture showing Dr. Coello with his co-authors (of the book "Evolutionary Algorithms for Solving Multi-Objective Problems"): David A. Van Veldhuizen and Gary B. Lamont. Although the second edition of this book is coming up at the end of 2007 (the first was published in 2002), the 3 co-authors have actually met only 3 times in their lives.