PhD Defense of Anders Angantyr (Luleå, Sweden), June 2006

On June 9th, 2006, Dr. Carlos A. Coello Coello attended the PhD defense of Anders Angantyr at the Luleåa University of Technology, in the north of Sweden. Dr. Coello was invited to act as the opponent of Angatyr's dissertation.

Luleå is a small and peaceful town, very close to the arctic circle. In June, the weather is nice, but the sunlight never goes away. Most of the pictures shown below were taken after 6:00pm, and it is evident that there still was a lot of sunlight.

In his way back to Mexico City, Dr. Coello spent a night in the beautiful city of Stockolm. Thus, he had a chance to take some pictures of the city's downtown, which are also shown below.