PhD defense of Alfredo Arias Montaño

On June 26th, 2012, Alfredo Arias Montaño successfully defended his PhD thesis entitled “Design of Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms for Aeronautical Problems”. The jury consisted of: Dr. Carlos Eduardo Mariano Romero (from IMTA), Dr. Edgar Emmanuel Vallejo Clemente (from ITESM Campus Estado de México), Dr. Luis Gerardo de la Fraga (from CINVESTAV-IPN), Dr. Debrup Chakraborty (from CINVESTAV-IPN), Dr. Gregorio Toscano Pulido (from CINVESTAV Tamaulipas) and Dr. Efrén Mezura Montes (from LANIA, A.C.) & Carlos A. Coello Coello (Alfredo's co-advisors). Several of Alfredo's friends, and some of his relatives attended the defense, as can be seen in the pictures below. After the defense, there was a meal for all the attendants to celebrate Alfredo's graduation.

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