Master's Program


Masters Program

The objective of the masters program is to prepare specialistic in the computation area that knows and can apply the theory, the methodologies and the most modern techniques of the discipline. It lasts of 2 years organized in fourth month periods, and initiates in the fourth month period September-December of every year. During the first three fourth month periods the student takes in average 4 courses by fourth month period completing a total of 12 courses in the first year. During the second year he develops, with the consultant's office of a professor of the department of Computation, a thesis which will defend before a jury to receive the rank of masters in Electrical Engineering with option in Computation. A thesis Co-adviser can exist, but its participation must be approved by the school of professors of the department.

The Masters is directed, although not exclusively, to people who have studied an Engineering in Computer Systems, an Engineering in Communications and Electronics, a Degree in Computer science, a Degree in Sciences of the Computation, Degree in Physics and Mathematics, or areas compatible to these.

The approach of the Masters depends on the student, and can be of investigation or application in some of the areas of the Computation that are mentioned more ahead.


Admission Requirements

The process of admission to the masters program initiates normally in the month of June of every year. The candidate will have to cover them following requirements: 

  • Complete application for admission test and curriculum concentrated form (that wil be given).
  • Submit curriculum vitae (including address and phone number to contact the candidate). 
  • Submit 2 letters of recommendation (copy) of professors or researchers know who it.
  • The exam is one day in July to define each year, so that the applicant should ask the exact date in advance. The applicant must present a photo ID to the exam.
  • Meet with a committee of professors of the department.


  The candidate accepted must submit the following documents:

  • Admission request.
  • Certificate of qualifications of the complete cycle of degree or engineering.
  • Copy of the letter of completion of studies (in case of to have finished its studies).
  • Copy of the act of final examination or its title.
  • Four photographies of infantile size.
  • Two letters of recommendation (original and it copies) of professors and researchers who know it.
  • Two copies of birth certificate.
  • Copies of certificates or certificates of seminars, courses, congresses and conferences you have participated.

Preparatory courses

The Computer Science Department does not offer nor require preparatory courses to enter the Masters Program. The only entrance requirements are pass the entrance exam and, based on interviews with professors of the Computer Science Department, meet other criteria needed to complete their graduate studies. For the entrance examination is given a study guide that includes sample questions exam.


The curricula is divided into two phases each school year. During the first year they take a total of 12 courses, 4 per semester. During the second year develops a thesis by registering for it in thesis topics and research seminars.

First year: courses

The courses during the first year are selected by each student and research advisor (a professor of Computer assigned the student to enter). The selection of courses for students seeking training with the essential knowledge of computing, to the extent possible in different areas of computing, and as deep as possible in areas related to the student's thesis topic and their professional development interests.

The courses are grouped under a nucleus and five areas of specialty. The courses of the nucleus offer all at least once a year, not necessarily in the same fourth month period. The courses in the specialty areas are offered taking into account the demand and the plant of professors. The courses of each area of specialty are divided in formative and of specialization. The formative ones provide amplitude of knowledge, and those of specialization provide depth in some line of research.

Nucleus. The nucleus includes the basic knowledge that any graduate of the masters program in computation must know. The courses of the nucleus are 7:

  • Discrete Mathematics
  • Analysis and Design of Algorithms
  • Object Oriented Programming
  • Software Engineering
  • Operating Systems
  • Computer Architecture
  • Social and Professional Context of the Computation

Each student must at least credit 4 of the 7 courses of the nucleus. The selection of the 4 courses depends on the academic formation and experience of each student, and is necessary because to the diversity of the profile of candidates. Thus, for example, some courses of the nucleus of a candidate who studied a Degree in Computer science will be different from the courses of the nucleus of a candidate who studied a Degree in Physics and Mathematics, an Engineering in Computation or an Engineering in Communications and Electronics.

  • Formative courses and of Specialization. The remaining courses are taken from the following areas of specialization. The formative courses and of specialization appear in Table I by line of research.
  • Theoretical Foundations of Computing and Artificial Intelligence. This area includes the theoretical foundations of the methodology of computation and reasoning models used for the development of artificial intelligent systems.
  • Databases and Information Systems. This area includes the development and integration of software systems based on functional decomposition and the development of software tools.
  • Systems Programming, Operating Systems, Distributed Systems and Real Time Systems. This area includes the design and development of systems of software that manage the resources of computer systems and allow the development of other systems of software.
  • Cryptography, Computer Architecture and Configurable Hardware. This area comprises the theory of machines and their application in the design of digital systems and computer architecture.
  • Computer Graphics, Visualization and Image Processing. This area includes the design and development of graphing systems, data visualization systems, multimedia and virtual reality systems.


Level Theoretical Foundations of Computing and Artificial Intelligence             
Databases and Information Systems
Systems Programming, Operating Systems, Distributed Systems  and Real Time Systems
Cryptography, Computer Architecture and Configurable Hardware Computer Graphics, Visualization and Image Processing

Artificial Intelligence

Logic and Databases
Real-Time Systems
 Computer Arithmetic Computer Graphics
  Introduction to Evolutionary Computation
Data Mining

Computer Networks

Codes and Cryptography Image processing
  Numerical Optimization
Parallel Computing
Mobile Computing
  Combinatorics Optimization
  Distributed Systems  
 Specialization Engineering Optimization Security in Information systems

Distributed Collaborative systems

Reconfigurable Computing
Computer Vision
  Computability and Complexity
Selected Topics in AI: Systems Support Decision Making Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing Selected Topics in Cryptograhy
Pattern Recognition
  Selected Topic of Scientific Computing I Selected Topics of Data Mining
Selected Topics of Distributed Systems
Advanced Topics in Symmetric Cryptography  

Selected Topics in AI: Agent and Multiagent

 Selected Topics in Interaction Man-Machine
Selected Topics in Digital Systems: VHDL

  Selected Topic in Artificial Intelligence: Theory of Games

Selected Topics in Theory of Codes

  Introduction to Multi-Objective Evolutionary Optimization


Table I: Curricular map of the formative courses and specialization by line of research.


 Note: Each student must choose 8 courses according to their area of specialization, not necessarily the 8 courses must be of the same research. Not all courses are offered in the same school year, the courses are open depending on the availability of professors and student demand.

Second year: Thesis and seminars

During its second year, students select a thesis topic proposed by a professor in the department of Computer Science, or propose one to a professor in the department, who will serve as thesis advisor. You can exisit a thesis co-advisor of the department or another institution, but their participation must be approved by the college of professors in the department.   The topic is put under evaluation by an council of professors for its approval.

During the second year, the student will be dedicated to seminars on research and development in laboratories, which are 12 thesis work that are credited with the same rating scale that is credited with the first-year courses (this scale is described below). The student will be able to make industrial stay or in another research institute.

Also during the second year, students attend 3 research seminars, one per fourth month period, to present the advances of their project of thesis to the community for his evaluation and critique.


Stay Requirements

Only full-time students are admitted. It is the responsibility of the student request for his inscription at the beginning of each fourth month period, and may only be registered for up to 1 additional year to two years master's program base.

Computer Science Department provides facilities for each student to fulfill its educational and research activities properly and in full time in the CINVESTAV. The Department:

  • Has the computer equipment and software for the development of tasks and the works of research.
  • It offers to each student a cubicle in the student living, has seminar rooms and classrooms.
  • Supports projects in connection with the industry and other educative institutions, in which the students can participate to become familiar with the development of an research.

  Requirements for Obtaining the Degree

During the first year the student will have to approve 12 courses of the Masters with a minimum average of 8. The scale of qualifications is 10, 9, 8, 7, 6 and 5, being the two last disapprovingly. When a student obtains an disapprovingly qualification will result in permanent expulsion from CINVESTAV.

When finishing the development of its thesis, the student will give a document written for its revision by a Graduation Committee integrated by professors in its majority members of the graduate program of the Computer Science Department of CINVESTAV. The Graduation Committee is designated by the Academic Coordination at the request of the supervisor of the thesis.

Once the Graduation Committee reaches a consensus on the quality of the work, the student shall defend the same through a public review before the Committee of Graduation and thesis advisor. To make the defense is necessary to have a professional degree and meet all the above requirements. Furthermore, in accordance with the policies of the Computer Science Department on the diffusion of the culture and knowledge, the Computer Science Department does not accept confidential or classified thesis, these are of the public domain and are found in libraries open to any interested person.

If the defense is successful according to the criteria of the Graduation Committee, the CINVESTAV will give to the student the degree of Master of Computer Science.