About us





We were born in 1983, as the Computer Science Section of the Electrical Engineering Department of CINVESTAV-IPN. The main motivation for our creation was to address the growing needs, still existent in México, in the fields of computing, information technology and related disciplines. Following the general goals of CINVESTAV-IPN, the main objective of this Section was to conduct both basic and applied research and offer advanced degrees (Masters and PhD) in Electrical Engineering, with an emphasis on Computing. Over the years, this Section was able to grow until reaching a critical mass that allowed it to become a department. The Computer Science Department of CINVESTAV-IPN was born in August 28, 2006. Simultaneously,  we separated our graduate programs and, therefore, since 2006, we offer a Masters and a PhD program in Computer Science.


The main objective of the Computer Science Department is:

  • To undertake and promote Computer Science research
  • To develop technology in areas related to Computer Science and
  • To offer advanced degrees (Masters and PhD) in Computer Science.



Information on this server

The high speed at which computer technology evolves, poses a challenge to anyone involved in
teaching and research activities related to this area. In this server, you will find several
documents about our history, our current research interests and additional information about our
research activities.