A candidate with area of speciality different than Computer Science can apply for the position?
Yes. The candidate must be a specialist in Computer Science or related areas, including Electrical Engineering, Communications Engineering, Physics, or Mathematics.
What are the requirements to apply for the position?
All the requirements listed in the call for the position, listed as items 1 to 4 in the CFP.
What is the salary?
The salary is competitive internationally, although the final amount is determined based on the evaluation of the academic production of the hired researcher.
What is the starting date of the position?
The starting date will be on September 1, 2020. However, for foreign people, the starting date could be postponed depending on the Mexican immigration procedures to get a work permit.
Is it offered an indefinite contract plus benefits provided by law?
All agreed benefits to academic workers granted by the Mexican Federal Government are due. It is a practice of Cinvestav to give fixed contracts for 2 or 4 years, depending on job performance. However, this practice does not affect recognition in the length of employment. ______________________________________________________________
What is the date for the candidate examination?
Candidates will be called for a personal interview approximately one month after receiving the application, but not after July 31, 2020.
What are the expected duties of a researcher hired in Cinvestav?
To do cutting-edge research and participate in our postgraduate programs actively. In particular, to publish at least one article per year in a JCR indexed journal, to teach two four-monthly courses per year, and to propose and advise graduate thesis. ______________________________________________________________ |